animated doctor

Covid Guidance

As the coronavirus disease continues to develop new strains, we should be more cautious about our health and safety. Meanwhile, here are the recent news and information about COVID-19.

  • The FDA authorized two COVID-19 vaccines: the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

  • If you have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccines, please download the V-Safe app on your smartphones to monitor your response to the vaccine.

  • The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine shall be administered at 21 days interval. The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine shall be administered at one month or 28 days interval.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Saving Mothers Is Saving Humanity

Access to quality maternal health care saves mother and babies
group of people

What We Do

Our efforts to reduce maternal mortality have benefited from the understanding number of etiologies that contribute to most such mortality, including hemorrhage, sepsis, unsafe abortion, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, and prolonged obstructed labor. The corresponding effective treatments of these are that are available in KMC health centers.

KMC implemented interdisciplinary efforts that used multiple approaches to increase service availability and remove financial barriers to care.

We address these three delays that contribute to maternal mortality:

  • Delay 1: Deciding to Seek Care
  • Delay 2: Identifying and Reaching a Health Facility
  • Delay 3: Receiving Adequate and Appropriate Treatment

Addressing Delay 1

In the decision to seek health care, both male and female community members will receive information related to pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care and signs of complications, so they know the risk and when and where to seek help.

Addressing Delay 2

KMC will increase access to health care. KMC health centers are located in the rural areas of Somalia where they easily accessible.

In addition, transportation services will improve access for nomads and those living in remote villages.

girl and son

Addressing Delay 3

Our health centers are equipped with suitable, high-quality, and safe delivery tools and practices, allowing both health centers and referral centers to accommodate all functions of the EmONC pedagogy.


The Kalkaal Maternity Care (KMC) Referral Health Centers consists of and Maternity and primary ward. Each health center provides comprehensive diagnosis services including sonogram, complete lab, digital X ray and ECG test.

The maternity wards include labor and delivery rooms with two delivery tables and a private bathroom. Observation rooms are adjacent to the labor and delivery rooms. This operating theater for the patients requiring surgical support for delivery (C-section).

Each maternity ward has been designed with 14 meter hallway to support mobility during labor.

KMC health facilities are designated comprehensive EmONC services, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are equipped to address each of the nine specific signals including:

Skilled birth attendants provided these services below.

  • Parenteral antibiotics administration
  • Administering uterogenic drugs for active management of the third stage of labor and prevention of postpartum hemorrhage
  • Use of parenteral anticonvulsants for the management of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, manual removal of placenta,
  • Removal of retained products (e.g. manual vacuum extraction, dilatation, and curettage),
  • Vaginal delivery assistance (AVD), i.e. vacuum extraction or forceps delivery,
  • Performing basic neonatal resuscitation.
  • Care of the Low-birth weight (LBW) newborn
  • Performing C-Section delivery
  • Performing CS delivery,
  • Blood Transfusion service.

The KMC health centers also, covers all the basic health needs of the community. I we deals with all trauma and minor surgeries and regular health awareness to the entire communities.

Where We Work

Contextual background of the  regions we work


It is important to shed light of the living conditions of people in the regions Sool, Sanag and Cayn (SSC) where the Health centers are built. Much like the rest of Somalia, the tribulations of civil war have had a lasting negative effect in Somalia. However, these regions the situation is worsening due to being politically categorized ‘disputed areas. This political factor resulted in the total deprivation that exists today.

The right to health is one of the internationally agreed human rights standards. Yet, for unjust reasons, millions of people remain excluded. These regions in Somalia lacked basic social services such as in health care: therefore, the risk of mortality for preventable illness is very high. Mothers and children have no access medical services because of their lack of ability to cover travel and other related expenditures, including housing and food.

The neighboring administrations of Somaliland and Puntland claim hegemony over these regions. The consequence of the current situation is that the health and wellbeing of the general population is in a grave situation. Providing a background brings context to the situation considering that we have seen women and children   in great need of health services. These are typically the segment of the population which tends to suffer most.

Other than KMC health centers, the nearest health facilities are located 5-8 hours’ drive with bad road  Long distance that they travel by foot or truck, pregnant women in the time of labor are susceptible to high maternal and neonatal mortality. Statistics shows that morbidity and mortality are even higher for women who cannot afford the journey at all.

After assessing the distance  they travel to seek medical care, the condition of roads and their poor financial situation, it was  very clear to us  that  bringing  health services to theses population is only path to save  them from suffering and unnecessary death.


In August 2019, Kalkaal Maternity Care opened two Referral Health Centers (RHC) in Awrbogays Sanag region and also, in Widhwidh, Ayne region of Somalia. Each facility has 22 rooms, 24hrs energy sources, and running water. Our health centers are equipped with suitable, high-quality, and safe delivery tools and practices, allowing both health centers to accommodate all nine functions of the EmONC. KMC (RHC) have skilled birth attendance, such, as doctors nurses, and midwives to offer quality health care and save childbirth. KMC aims to save lives.

In our implementing year, September 2019-September 2020 KMC health centers service over 50 villages, nomadic population and IDP.

african family african family